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Why is Play important at Forest School?
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Why is Play Important?
Lesson 1 of 10 - What is play?
Lesson 2 of 10 - How and why did play evolve?
Lesson 3 of 10 - Why is play important for children?
Lesson 4 of 10 - How have play opportunities changed over time?
Lesson 5 of 10 - The role of adults in children’s play - What do we do?
Lesson 6 of 10 - Play types
Lesson 7 of 10 - The Playwork Principles
Lesson 8 of 10 - The play cycle
Lesson 9 of 10 - Loose parts theory
Lesson 10 of 10 - Linking this all back to Forest School
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Lesson 7 of 10 - The Playwork Principles
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