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Curriculum Based Outdoor Learning - Level 2
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Units, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
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Unit 1 - Deliver Curriculum Based Outdoor Learning
1.1 Participate in outdoor learning activities
1.2 Reflect on your participation
2.1 Map outdoor learning activities to a range of curricular areas
2.2 Describe how outdoor learning can benefit individuals
2.3 Identify outdoor spaces that could be used for outdoor learning
2.4 Describe how the outdoor spaces in 2.3 could be improved for outdoor learning
3.1 Define the terms hazard and risk
3.2 Identify the benefits and risks of an outdoor learning session
3.3 Carry out safety checks for a curriculum based outdoor learning session
4.1 Outline a programme of curriculum based outdoor learning sessions
4.2 Prepare for and deliver curriculum based outdoor learning
5.1 Reflect on own development following the curriculum based outdoor learning training
Unit 2 - Sustainable Use and Management of Natural Resources
1.1 Describe the ecological functions of a native ecosystem
1.2 Describe the threats to native ecosystems
1.3 Describe the difference between native and non-native species
1.4 Identify a range of flora and fauna from own site or local area
2.1 Describe management techniques that have a positive impact on natural resources in the environment
2.2 Describe the negative impacts of using natural resources in the environment
2.3 Outline how to reduce the negative impacts of using natural resources in the environment
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1.2 Describe the threats to native ecosystems
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