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Forest School Level 3 - Blended Course
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Unit 1 - Supporting Learning, Play and Development in the Natural Environment
1.1 Explain a range of approaches to learning in natural environments (21:04)
1.2 Summarise learning theories (0:23)
1.3 Relate a learning theory to the delivery of own practice in the natural environment (0:22)
1.4 Summarise research relating to learning in the natural environment and apply to own practice (5:36)
2.1 Summarise play theories (20:28)
2.2 Explain the benefits and value of play in the natural environment (1:37)
2.3 Relate the benefits and values from 2.2 to the delivery of own practice (0:23)
3.1 Describe the factors affecting the behaviour of learners in the outdoors (4:15)
3.2 Explain how learner’s behaviour impacts on themselves and others (0:25)
3.3 Use methods to support positive behaviour in the natural environment (6:18)
3.4 Evaluate methods to encourage positive behaviour in the natural environment (0:25)
4.1 Outline the concept of holistic development (5:44)
4.2 Explain how holistic development is facilitated in learning and play in the natural environment. (0:26)
4.3 Explain how to support and develop self confidence in learning and play in the natural environment (8:54)
4.4 Explain how to support and develop emotional literacy in learning and play in the natural environment. (12:00)
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